Butterflies & Hiccups: A Guided Pregnancy Journal for the Mom-to-Be by Laurie Wing

“Finally, a comprehensive journal for moms-to-be! Butterflies & Hiccups thoroughly covers pregnancy and new motherhood by posing questions for expectant mothers (and fathers!) to answer as they journey through pregnancy. Prepared in interview style, the questions are designed to elicit thought-provoking responses that will be treasured by parents and their children in the years to follow. What a great way to chronicle the childbearing experience!”

Invented by a New Jersey mom who wanted to create an heirloom moment for her unborn child.Butterflies & Hiccups, a 180-page journal, beautifully illustrates the miracle of pregnancy with such grace and charm. Each month contains thought-provoking questions that prompts the new mother-to-be (and father!) to capture the most important moments of pregnancy.

There is plenty of room to record practitioner visits, baby's development, the physical changes and symptoms as well as special circumstances during pregnancy so you can customize your journal to reflect your unique experiences during this exciting time in your life.

There is even room to include a picture each month, if desired!

Describe how you felt the moment you found out you were pregnant:
Who was the first person you told that you were pregnant?

Are you remembering to take your
prenatal vitamins regularly?
What is your favorite food this month?

If you've experienced morning sickness,
is it starting to subside?
Who do you regularly talk to and
share all your pregnancy details with?

What are you wearing this month?
(i.e. maternity clothes,
oversized clothes, etc.)
What specific worries or concerns do you have related to the pregnancy?
Is your baby moving around yet?
If so, what was your first reaction?
Will you find out the sex of the baby?
Why or why not?
Have you felt the baby hiccup yet?
Have you and your husband decided on a baby name yet?

How often to you experience Braxton-Hicks contractions?
What are your favorite pregnancy/childbirth
books at the moment?

How many times have strangers
touched your belly?
How are you and your husband preparing for childbirth? (i.e. exercise, perineal massage, childbirth classes, etc.)

How is your husband feeling now that you are
almost ready to deliver?
Have you been "nesting"? If so, what have you done to prepare for the baby's arrival?

Other chapters within the journal include:

  • Practitioner Visits
  • Baby's Development
  • Pregnancy Symptoms
  • Birth: Welcome to Motherhood
  • Bringing the Baby Home
  • Bed Rest
  • Hospital Bag Checklist
  • Birth Plan
  • Holidays
  • Fun Ideas to Pamper Yourself
  • and more...

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